Tag: moultrie family pictures

  • Winter Family Portraits

    Winter Family Portraits

    January weather is so funny. One day it is 80 and then the next day it is freezing cold. Well, the day of this session it was only 46 degrees as a high temperatureand this family was such a trooper and we ended up with the cutest portraits. The boys are so, so cute and…

  • Six for a Mini Session

    Six for a Mini Session

    I always love catching up with this sweet family. Their older boys have grown so much and the twins have gone from babies last year to little people. I love all the commotion and laughs and craziness when we do pictures. Those kids are so much fun and you can totally see it in these…

  • All The Girls…

    All The Girls…

    When I met this family it was just the two of them…oh and their sweet dog (or was it dogs?). I still remember meeting them for the very first time and they were so sweet to photograph. I have been blessed to take pictures of each of their daughters as a baby and I love…

  • I Can’t Believe It

    I Can’t Believe It

    I met this family a long time ago when I did their daughter’s newborn images and now she is this gorgeous teenager. How is this possible that she literally grew up before my eyes…and lens? This family is so sweet…every single one of them. I love their portraits and all the love you can see…

  • Laughing All the Way

    Laughing All the Way

    I absolutely adore photographing this family and most specifically these kids. They are the funniest kids around. I have said for years that their home must be a lot of fun to grow up in. The kids get taller, cuter, and funnier every year…especially the smallest 🙂 Enjoy just a few samples from their session.…

  • Starting a New Tradition

    Starting a New Tradition

    This family welcomed their very first grandbaby and they wanted to start a Christmas tradition of taking pictures with Santa. I love how beautiful her house was decorated for Christmas and everyone looked so festive. Santa stopped by and spent some time with them to read a book and take pictures of course. This beautiful…

  • These Five

    These Five

    I can’t even tell you how thankful I am for this family. They are one of the kindest families I know and they have been such a good friend to my daughter and me in 2022. And…they are also one of the most photogenic families ever 🙂    

  • Engagement, Wedding and Family…

    I just love this sweet family and their precious little boy. I also love that I have been there to photograph such important parts of their lives. I appreciate them so much!

  • Those Twins are Back…

    Y’all….these two are so cute and I look forward to taking their picture every fall. They are so much fun and their parents may have videoed me from our session last year so they could remind them how much fun we had last time. That totally worked and they loved me being goofy once again.…

  • Family Portraits With Fall Spirit

    I headed out one weekend morning to photograph this family at what I would say is the house that has the most fall spirit in the area. I have driven by all the festive displays before so it was really fun to see them in person (by the way, you can stop there and take pictures…